, Crete, Greece


Gortina or Gortis was an ancient city of Crete and was the capital during the Roman era. Nowadays is a beautiful archaeological site.
According to the myth, Zeus took refuge there after he transformed into a bull and abducted Europe. Their three children were born in Gortina and later became kings of the three Minoan palaces of Crete.

See also
Monastery of Panagia Κaliviani

Monastery of Panagia Κaliviani

This beautiful monastery is known for its charity work. A complex of institutions is developed around the Monastery such as laboratories that craft vestments, painting and weaving. Also there is a museum of ecclesiastical and folk crafts, public e...

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Agiofarago is a picturesque canyon south of Matala. Its name is a testament to the traveller's goal centuries ago. Legend has it that, centuries ago, the caves were inhabited by hermits who lived off of the fruits and vegetables the canyon offered...

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